DavidCS (Micro)

Some beliefs

Feels like a good time to put a few of my beliefs in writing. A very incomplete list.

  1. I believe in a loving God that wants us to love others. This is something that I feel very strongly. I am a Christian and want to follow after the example for living that Christ left.
  2. I believe that LGBTQ+ people deserve the same human rights as everyone else. That they are deserving of love, peace and recognition. That people need to have the right to choose what they do with their own bodies, and deserve respect.
  3. I believe that these first two points are not in conflict with each other, and in fact are stronger taken together. I disagree with those who force these positions into two warring factions, and especially with those who use the Christian faith as a tool to oppress people.
  4. We need more trains.