DavidCS (Micro)

I love Christmas/I hate Christmas

Christmas is a weird time of year for me. I flip flop between being excited/festive and being depressed/cynical. I think many feel the same. It can be an awful combination of high expenses, dreary weather, small talk with friends you once knew but can’t really connect with anymore, family members missed, and unspoken expectations that weren’t met. But at the same time, everything is bathed in twinkly lights, beautiful colors, warm music, big hugs, and so much to eat. High highs and low lows.

Maybe that’s why A Charlie Brown Christmas has such a cultural relevance, even at nearly sixty years old. This is not a new phenomenon, feeling left behind by the season. If Chuck can overcome it, I can too.
Out of all the Charlie Browns in the world, you’re the Charlie Browniest.